9 thoughts on “File Transfer App

    1. Hi, Raúl! Yes, I noticed that the Notes app has no “Open In…” button, but it has the “Share” button and my app currently doesn’t get files for transfer this way. Although you can copy files from other apps to File Transfer App using a “Open In…” button. Soon, I will add a feature for transferring notes and some other kinds of files from the “Share” button. Thank you for the feature request!


      1. Hi, Gary!
        Sorry, but there seems to be no ability to do that at the moment. I’ll probably add such feature later.


    1. If you have already purchased the Ad-Free version, you can simply restore it, by clicking “Restore” button on the top-right corner of the purchase screen. (inside the app, click “three dots” button -> click “Remove Ads” -> click “Restore” button)

      This app is actually able to transfer not only photos, but also videos and other files. To transfer a file such as a document from your iOS device, you need to locate it in the app where that file is located, then you should click the “Open In…” button, which should be there. And then, select this app from the popup menu. That file will be copied into this app so you will be able to transfer it.


  1. The app is great and I was going to pay even though the ads don’t bother me but: I need a volume control in the app separate from my iPads master volume. Is there one hidden somewhere in the app?
    More importantly: I was able, only once, to play a video but for the life of me cannot figure out how I did it. All I can do on the video screen is select, de-select and delete them.


    1. Hi, there! Unfortunately, this app doesn’t have its own volume control now. But I will add such feature a bit later. In order to play a video, just tap and hold its thumbnail.


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